Ignited by Sierra Hill & Sierra Hill

Ignited by Sierra Hill & Sierra Hill

Author:Sierra Hill & Sierra Hill
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Ten28 Publishing



The next week keeps me busy with work, and Nick seems to have gone MIA. Or maybe it’s just my imagination. I hear him next door, but he hasn’t attempted to visit and I’m too chickenshit to check in on him.

It seems things with Nick are always one step forward and two steps back. I thought after our hike and some of the intimacy we shared, where he opened up about his current state of mind, it would have freed him a bit and he’d maybe come around some more.

But that’s just my wishful thinking.

Why do I always seem to get my heart trampled on? I swear if someone did an autopsy on me right now, they’d see tire tracks crusting over my poor battered heart. I’m an absolute wreck when it comes to finding the right man.

I just want to find a man who can offer me everything I’ve always wanted: love, loyalty, and a family.

After my crash and burn with Jeremy, here I am, lonely and alone, uncertain of where things stand between me and Nick. I was the one who pushed him into the friend zone, but only as a stall tactic. Jumping into a no-strings attached and next-door-neighbor with benefits situation isn’t where I see my life going right now. I want a relationship with Nick, but he’s not ready for that.

Putting Nick Holmes in the friend zone is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. It doesn’t help that every time I see him, something crackles and explodes inside my chest, tingling all the way down into my belly, sending electric heat through my body.

I have to remind myself to keep my hands off him and avoid staring (or getting caught staring, at the very least) at his incredible physique. I nearly swallowed my tongue the other morning when he answered the door wearing nothing but shorts and no shirt. It was a true test of my willpower and strength that I didn’t climb him instead of the mountain.

Which only leaves me sad once again that I’m in this holding pattern. My shift ended two hours ago, and I have nothing going on and no one to do it with, so I decide to check in with Callie.

She and Tyler are now living together and planning a wedding for next May. Callie, of course, asked me to be her maid of honor, which I accepted without thinking twice. And Nick, I recently found out, is the best man.

It’s a nice evening out, so I make myself a cocktail and sit outside on my small balcony facing the wooded area behind the building. I take a sip and call my friend.

It rings twice before she picks up. “Hey, Queen B. What’s shaking?”

I smile and immediately feel the weight of the world lift from my shoulders. That’s what good friends can do for your mental well-being.

Callie and I have been friends since middle school, and although we both went our separate ways in our early twenties, we never lost touch and now are living within twenty miles of each other.


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